Suggestion of the week
- Security Headers (Tanya Janca) - Interesting post that shows the code/configuration we need to add, in order to get a more secure website.
- Microsoft Azure portal December 2018 update (Peri Rocha) - Nice new update.. The last one of the year.
- Serverless Google App Engine Flex Custom Docker Runtime & Cloud SQL Backend with Swift & Vapor Web API (Alfian Losari) - Great tutorial that explains how to build a web backend.
- Créez vos Logic Apps via des templates ARM (Wilfried Woivré) - An excellent post in French that explains step by step how to build our ARM template to deploy an Azure Logic Apps.
- ASP.NET Core 2.2 Parameter Transformers for clean URL generation and slugs in Razor Pages or MVC (Scott Hanselman) - This post explains a new feature of the new core release.
- How to become a Git expert (Aditya Sridhar) - A very nice post that explains how to fix common mistake users does and also explains how to keep our history clean.
- Web Architecture 101 (Jonathan Fulton) - This is a very complete article that does a tour of every piece of a web solution.
- 6 Books That Will Help You Become a Better Writer (Glenn Leibowitz) - A nice little list of books for the holiday...
- Becoming a better supporter of women in tech (Tom) - Great post. Share it.
- Leadership Mode Activate (Allen Pike) - Don't be affray to move forward and smash!
- Write more compact SQL Server code using new features (Sergey Gigoyan) - This is a nice way to learn how to be more efficent with SQL.