Suggestion of the week
- The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination (Peter Bregman)- A person a know also said: If you are not making mistakes, it means that you're not working hard enough.
- Lessons Learned: Taking the best out of Windows Azure Virtual Machines (Nuno Godinho) - This post is a must, it describes all the best practices to get the better of Windows Azure Virtual Machine (VM).
- Announcing AWS Management Pack for Microsoft System Center - With this release System Center become really interesting to manage your VMs whatever they are.
- Windows 8 SkyDrive app: Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (Rob Margel) - SkyDrive is an unrecognized tool with great features. Here are some answer to frequently asked questions.
- Running scripts from a Windows Azure role’s OnStart method (Tom Hollander) - Many projects needs a start-up task. If yours is, then this post is for you.
- Introducing Amazon Cloud Player for Windows Desktop (Paul Thurrott) - Interesting product from Amazon: Cloud player.
- Big Data Is Already Producing Big Results - Interesting fact about big Data and is use today.
- Going to Microsoft TechEd (North America) to Speak About Cloud Integration - A talk you should 'not miss if you're going to TechEd.
- Making New Mistakes (Jeffrey Phillips) - Interesting post what confirm the idea that doing mistake is good if you learn from them.