
The making of: Franky's Notes Azure Search - part 2

This post concludes The making of: Franky’s Notes Azure Search. In the previous post, I build a console application in .Net using the RedDog.Search library, to populate an index in my Azure Search Service with my notes.
In this post, I’m sharing with you how I created the user interface to query my notes. To know more about the Azure Search REST API, all the documentation is available online.


For this part of the project, we will use the azure-search javascript client of Richard Astbury available on Github. The idea is to build a nice user interface (UI) that will provide a simple and efficient way to search. Since the code will be in JavaScript, it’s strongly suggested to use a query key instead of a master key. These keys can be managed from the Azure Portal.

Azure Search Query Keys

Creating the Interface

First, we need to get the azure-search. To get it, you can whether download the file azure-search.min.js on Github or by execute npm install azure-search from a Node.js console.
Now we need a simple HTML page with a form, a textbox and a button.
            <link  href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
                <script src="scripts/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
                <script src="scripts/respond.min.js"></script>
                <input id="txtSearch" placeholder="Search">
                <button id="btnSearch" type="button">Search</button>

            <div id="result"></div>

            <script src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
            <script src="scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
            <script src="scripts/azure-search.min.js"></script>

                var client = AzureSearch({
                  url: "",
                  key:"DB7B9D1C53EC08932D8A8D5A1406D8CA" // - query only

As you can see I’m creating the AzureSearch client using my query key from before. Afterwards, we create a Search function to retrieve the search criteria from the textbox and pass it to the client. A dynamic function is used as a callback that receives the parameter noteList which is an array of matching documents. We finally just need to loop through the result to build a nice output.
    function Search(){

        var _searchCriteria = $("#txtSearch").val();   
        var _objSearch = {search: _searchCriteria, $orderby:'title desc'};'notes', _objSearch, function(err, noteList){
            var $divResult = $("div#result");
            $divResult.html( "<div class='panel-heading'><h3 class='panel-title'>" + noteList.length + " Result(s)</h3></div><div class='panel-body'>" );

            if(noteList.length > 0){

                var _strResult = "";
                _strResult = "<ul class='list-group'>";

                for(var key in noteList){
                    var fNote = noteList[key];

                    _strResult += = "<li class='list-group-item'><a href='" + fNote.url + "' target='_blank'>" + fNote.title + "</a><p>" + fNote.note + "</p></li>";

                _strResult += "</ul></div>";
                $divResult.append( _strResult );

If we put all this together, we got a nice result.

Franky's Notes Search UI

Live Demo


I really had a lot of fun creating these little applications. I found the client incredibly easy to use. I hope it will help you to get ideas and moving forward to use Azure Search. Any comments, suggestions and/or questions are welcome.

~ Frank Boucher
