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2 Local machines 1 Dev VM (John Friesen) - A nice tutorial that can help us get started and understand how things work.
An Introduction to Azure Media Services - The Wit and Ramblings of David Giard (David Giard) - Media services is a gem that not enough people know. Nice little introduction post.
Azure Storage - Zip multiple files using Azure Functions (Josef Ottosson) - Great project. I like the sharing of the thoughts or questions encounter during that build. We are all eventually meet them too.
How To Calculate Pricing In Azure (Mahesh Chand) - Nice quick refresh or quick start. Cost is such an important topic.
Integration tests using Azure Storage emulator and .NET Core in Azure DevOps (Dominique St-Amand) - A really interesting tutorial. I'm definitely bookmarking that one for later.
Introducing Azure Health Bot—an evolution of Microsoft Healthcare Bot with new functionality (Lili Cheng) - Very inspiring to see the evolution of what bots are able to do.
Advanced TypeScript Tips & Tricks - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 (Dino Kacavenda) - Very very interesting tips. As a new TypeScript coder, I found this really reassuring to know there is a way.
Save the Date for DockerCon Live 2021! - Docker Blog (Matt Carter) - If you are a container user, or just thinking about it... Reserve the date.
How to Use Query Strings in Blazor WebAssembly (Marinko Spasojevic) - Nice tutorial. Very detailed.
- Productive (And Realistic) Ways To Optimize Your Space For Remote Work (Genevieve Michaels) - Nice post that gives a lot of suggestions to make that space at home more comfortable and pleasing.