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Reading Notes
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Reading Notes #416
Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest ...
Reading Notes #400
Cloud 10 user experience updates to the Azure portal | Blog | Microsoft Azure (Leon Welicki) - I'm very pleased with this portal...
Reading Notes #319
Cloud Azure Log Analytics ML: Using the evaluate operator with the app() or workspace() scope function (Iris Classon) - A nice blog pos...
Reading Notes #304
Cloud Application Insights: VSTS dashboard chart widget now available (Mike Gresley) - Woohoo! Finally, it's there. I'm going...
Reading Notes #287
Cloud .NET: Manage Azure Container Service, Cosmos DB, Active Directory Graph and more (Asir Selvasingh) - I'm a bit scared abou...
Reading Notes #285
Cloud 10 tips for enterprise integration with Logic Apps (Toon Vanhoutte) - Nice list of integration / LogicApps best practices. Azur...
Reading Notes #268
Cloud Azure Application Insights JavaScript SDK: reliability and performance improvements (Beckylin Orooji) - That's a good news! T...
Reading Notes #266
Suggestion of the week 22 tips to lower Azure pricing and optimize hosting costs (Matt Watson) - Fantastic list that overviews a lot of ...
Reading Notes #254
Cloud AWS Developer Tool Recap – Recent Enhancements to CodeCommit, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy - This post is definitely a great list...
Reading Notes #248
Programming Building Your First Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework - Nice tutorial to get started with the bot framework... An yes, you ...
Reading Notes #247
Cloud AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform – Mobile Services - A very interesting comparison of the major cloud provider with mobile d...
Reading Notes #240
Cloud Azure App Services - Using Azure App Services to Convert a Web Page to PDF - Great tutorial and even more because it’s useful. ...
Reading Notes #237
Cloud Azure Redis Cache May 2016 update (Pranav Rastogi) - Quick overview o this update. Release of Service Fabric SDK 2.1.150 and ...
Reading Notes #221
Suggestion of the week Why You Should Learn JavaScript in 2016 (Ken Powers) - I eared a lot of people complaining about Javascript, this...
Reading Notes #213
Cloud Announcing the Azure SDK 2.8.1 for .NET (Brady Gaster) - Great new feature and improvement in this last SDK release.. Ge...
Reading Notes #210
Suggestion of the week Connect(); // 2015 - All keynotes, Q&A and the technical videos are here... Cloud Load data into Azu...
Reading Notes #209
Cloud Microsoft and Red Hat partner to deliver more flexibility and choice (Scott Guthrie) - Great news. Using Redis as a Service ...
Reading Notes #207
Suggestion of the week A Beginner’s Mind - A very inspiring article, especially for the younger, but also for the more experienced, that...
Reading Notes #206
Cloud Automating Azure Resource Group deployment using a Service Principal in Visual Studio Online: Build/Release Management (Roopesh N...
Reading Notes #205
Cloud Introduction to Azure Search (Gunnar Peipman) - This post clarifies things about what Azure Search is and what is not. New ca...
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