Showing posts with label AzureSql. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AzureSql. Show all posts

Azure Tools Belt: SQL Azure Migration Wizard

One of the questions that clients often ask is: What tools could be used for Windows Azure development. Everyone knows that you need a web browser and a code editor (ex: Visual Studio), but what else? So, I decided to do a serie of posts to present them. I’m therefore beginning with the indispensable SQL Azure Migration Wizard, since it’s used more often at the beginning of a project.

This serie is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all tools. Some other excellent tools are surely available. If you think I have forgotten one or want me to talk about one, let me know. I will be more than happy to adding it to the list.

What is SQL Azure Migration Wizard?

Most of the Azure projects that are starting these days are migration project or at least contain some data migration. The SQL Azure Migration Wizard, like its name implies , is a tool that will take you be the hand and help you migrate your database. In a few clicks the wizard will bring the database schemas and the data to the cloud.

Because Azure SQL database is very similar, but not totally compatible to Windows SQL Server 2008,the Wizard will also provide you a list of things that you should take care of like a missing clustered key.

How to use it

First, I will assume that you already have an active Azure account, if you don’t, please follow the instructions on this web page. Then of course you will need the SQLAzureMW tool that you can download on the CodePlex page project. Let’s do a simple migration from a local database to SQLAzure.

clip_image001[1] To get started, just double-click on the executable.
Some options will be proposed, but in our case we need to select: Analyse / Migrate SQL Database (second choice from the top)
clip_image002[1] Then pick your source. One nice thing with keeping the Master database selected, the list of all available databases on the specified server will be populated. Once you are done, click the Connect button.
clip_image003[1] The database used in this demo is a subset of Northwind database with three tables: Products, Suppliers, and Categories.
Once you have selected what you wanted to migrate, click the Next button.
Here three outputs are generated:
  1. A result Summary: This explains all the steps made to extract the schemas and data of the database. The analysis will also highlight some incompatibilities and suggest some modifications. In this case, since I have not added any primary keys or indexes, it warned me that a clustered index will be added.
  2. SQL Script: A nicely written database creation script that you can save for maintenance.
  3. Data file: Since one of the best way to import massive data in AzureSQL database is by using BCP, some data files have been prepared to be imported.
Click the Next button to continue.
clip_image006[1] For the next step you will need a database server in Azure. So connect to the Azure portal, and from the left panel select Database.
You can than create a new server by clicking the Create button. You could also use a server that you already have.
Put the server name in your clipboard you will needed.
clip_image007[1] Back to our SQLAzureMW, paste the full name of the server in the Server name dropdown. It should be something like
Then enter the credentials of your SQL server. Note that the username should be follow by “@” and the first part of the server name.
Click Connect when you’re done.
clip_image008[1] Since no database was created, the list is empty. Let’s create a new database by clicking the Create Database button.
A popup window will ask for the name, location and format of the database to be created.
Click Create Database, and after few seconds you should be able to click the Next button to continue.
clip_image009[1] To see that the new database is really created go on the AzurePortal: you will see it in the database section.
clip_image010[1] After a quick confirmation the migration will be done.
A Nice summary is displayed so you can see if something went wrong.
The migration has been performed successfully, click Exit.
clip_image011[1] You can now connect to the new database by SQL Server Management Studio or by the Azure Management Portal.
You can see that the three tables are there and the data has also been migrated.
clip_image012[1] Like it was supposed to, the index was successfully created. This is really magic!


To conclude, let’s say that this tool is really fantastic and that you should definitely try it if you are planning to do a migration. It will save you a lot of time. Please note that the SQLAzureMW does not manage logins and users. I therefore strongly suggest using the Azure User Management Console – AUMC, available on CodePlex.

If you have any comments, suggestions or experiences to share, feel free to let me know by adding a comment, by e-mail or by the contact page. Next post is about the Windows Azure Auto-scaling Application Block (WASABi)



Reading Notes #50




~ Frank

Reading Notes #48

[…]Sources, InkMesh is the best search engine I have found for identifying if an author or a book is available in eBook form,[…]
~ Frank

Reading Notes #47




  • An Introduction to NuGet - Nice post that explain quickly what is NuGet and witch tools are available.
  • Why I Hate Unit Testing - What a nightmare! I'm not sure that this post will help the undecided to join the unit testing but this JusMock tool deserved a look.
"This is easy to do with Telerik JustMock. I wrote about using JustMock to get you started in From Legacy to Dependency Injection.
Steve Forte and Joel Semeniuk have a great presentation on this called The Agile Buffet Table."


  • A Super-Efficient Email Process (Peter) - Explain a simple method to be more productive and efficient with e-mail management.
  • the Continuous Client (Joshua Topolsky) - So true, I'm looking for a continuous Twitter client for a long time now. I don't understand why this isn't in all application. Congratulation to Kindle for this! You can start reading on one device and continue to another one without effort.
  • 9 Steps to Take When You Loathe Your Own Blog (Guest Blogger) - Having a blog is a lot work. Here are 9 tips to keep you inspired and proliferates.
  • 5 Things to Ask Your Cloud Backup Services Provider - I'm a Mozy user and really happy with it. Of course this post is also a sales pitch but the questions are the good one and should be considered when selecting your backup solution. When did you do your last backup?
  • 5 Steps To Choosing The Right Challenges (Brendon Burchard) - Nice post that give good tips to identify good challenges.


Reading Notes #46





“there is, as Joshua Topolsky puts it, “a missing link in our computing experience” ( “
  • The key to AddOrUpdate (Arthur Vickers) - While waiting for the next release of EF this post explain very clearly how to implement an extension method to help use in a more generic context when we want the same functionality of the DbSet.Find in a AddUpdateEntity method.
  • Mocking Dependencies != IoC (or at least it doesn’t have to) (Vincent-Philippe Lauzon) - Interesting tutorial that explains an alternative to mock without using dependency injection IoC by using the Lazy.


  • Michael Stephenson - Tips on when not using BizTalk config file and reference on another post to more details.
"I wrote a blog post a few years ago around the options for where you could put configuration settings in BizTalk (Click here)."



Reading Notes #44

They Will Bring You In The Cloud
They will bring you in the cloud.




  • 5 Tricks for a Killer Company Blog - Five simple tips to get started blogging in a business perspective.
  • Hit the Presentation Sweet Spot - Twenty minutes is very short. Maybe it is a good idea for a specific type of presentation... How do you plan a 2-3 formation?
  • Your Personal Brand as a Developer: Implementing (Part 2 of 2) (Jonathan Rozenblit) - Part 2 on an unusual topic but important. Our brand, as a person. On the internet everything is amplified and could be seen by a lot of people very quickly. A post to read "before it is too late".
  • Coping with Email Overload (Peter) - This could be a good advice for a lot of people. While I'm working on a project where co-workers are across the country I not sure I can do this but maybe tweaking it with rules for only those people.

Reading Notes #41

 image from The Cloud Strategy Blog


[…]cost efficiency doesn’t equate to cheap or even free. You can determine the cost to be efficient when the equation can’t be changed to reduce cost without also reducing the services or functionality—meaning[…]



    • I'm Sure It Will Only Take You A Few Days To Code - Interesting, I didn't think our usual or natural sensor to estimate the complexity of something cannot be use when it comes to estimate software... but it makes senses!
    • What geeks need to tell our parents about shopping online safely and securely (Scott Hanselman) - Nice post. read this post than go talk to your parent, uncle, brothers and sisters all those people that call you when they did nothing but the PC doesn't works anymore... ;)
    • […]HTTPS (SSL) doesn't mean "I can trust this site," it means "this conversation is private." You still might be having a private conversation with Satan. - Scott Hanselman Trust[…]

    Reading Notes #40




        ~ Frank

        Just release: Azure User Management Console - AUMC

        This week, Matricis just release open source tool to help us managing the Azure Sql Users and Logins.

        Since only T-SQL commands are available for Azure SQL in SQL Server management Studio, a friendly interface was missing. The AUMC is simply converting your action into T-SQL commands and execute them in the Azure SQL Database.

        You can find the Azure User Management Console on CodePlex at:

        Read the complete post on Matricis blog.

        ~ Frank

        Reading Notes #39

        Mozy cloud storage


        […]shows a friendly face to customers and still provides the detailed technical information developers will need in his article Rich Custom Error Handling with ASP.NET. […]
        […]Wade Wegner describes the steps he recommends in his post Using ELMAH in Windows Azure with Table Storage. […]
        […]To learn more about ELMAH, see the MSDN article Using HTTP Modules and Handlers to Create Pluggable ASP.NET Components by Scott Mitchell and Atif Aziz.[…]



          ~ Frank

          Reading Notes #38





          Reading Notes #37





          Reading Notes #36




          ~ Frank

          Reading Notes #35




          • Structurez votre code Ruby (Bruno Michel) - This nice post introduce the unused Struct. A simple but power class in Ruby.
          • Soyez unique, utilisez des Sets (Bruno Michel) - Wow I didn't know the Set class in Ruby. I got to edit one of my script immediately.
          • Asp.Net MVC 4 beta - Nice post that quickly present some of the main new features in the brand new ASP.Net MVC 4. Also video and slide reference.
            Spending limits are a new feature we added to Windows Azure last month, and ensure that you never have to worry about accidentally going over the resources included in a free offer and being charged.
            You can learn more about the spending limit feature here.
            The ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta release works with VS 2010 and .NET 4.0, and is side-by-side compatible with prior releases of ASP.NET MVC
            Bundling and Minification
            Database Migrations – ASP.NET MVC 4 includes the new Entity Framework 4.3 release,
            Web API
            new support for building mobile web applications and mobile web sites,
            Razor Enhancements – ASP.NET MVC 4 includes V2 of our Razor View engine.
            Async Support and WebSockets
            • Fun with Ruby Block Parameters - Nice post going dipper in Ruby's Blocks capabilities...


            ~ Frank