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Reading Notes
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Reading Notes #79
Suggestion of the week A personal approach to organizational time management - This is the most realistic and logic time management idea...
Reading Notes #61
[ This week, the image is provided by Marc Gagné @marc_gagne , a Windows Azure Ninja.] Cloud Amazon AWS is the Cloud (for now anyw...
Reading Notes #53
This post is an important milestone for this blog. It completes the first year of Reading Notes, since a year as 52 weeks and it’s also th...
Reading Notes #52
Cloud Ridiculously Fast and Easy Migration to the Cloud with Windows Azure (David Pallmann) - Nice post that re-groups 7 scenarios tha...
Reading Notes #47
Cloud Is AWS or Windows Azure the Right Choice? It’s Not That Easy. - Really good question that compare AWS with Azure. Downloadin...
Reading Notes #42
Cloud MCSE is Back–and Better Than Ever!! - Important new from Microsoft this week: certifications for the cloud. This post is a good s...
Reading Notes #36
Cloud Microsoft Private Cloud Part 1 - Nice first post of a series comparing Azure with private cloud. This one is more about being p...
Reading Notes #29
Cloud Update: Deploying Ruby Applications to Windows Azure (Larry Franks) - Great post explaining every steps to have a simple Ruby a...
Reading Notes #26
This is the last post of 2011. Happy Holidays to every one and see you next year for others Reading Notes! Cloud Utiliser la puis...
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