MCSE is Back–and Better Than Ever!! - Important new from Microsoft this week: certifications for the cloud. This post is a good summary of this new reality.
An Up-Close Examination of the Microsoft RDP Vulnerability (Guest Author) - Important RDP vulnerability was fixed in the March patch. Since in Azure the remote is disabled by default and that some firewall rules protect some connections, if you use Azure you are now safe and probably you were never really in danger. But if you are using an image on AWS you probably should apply you Windows Updates...
Announcing the Refresh of Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs (Harish Agarwal) - The Windows Azure team listened to our feedback and new features and a lot of performance improvements in the updated version of the EAI & EDI labs.
What The Cloud Doesn’t Do (Alexander Haislip) - Nice post explaining why on-premise computer are not obsolete since the cloud arrives. Nice comparison with the evolution of the radio and the TV.
There’s no need to be a one-cloud company (Switch Mark Thiele) - Nice post. Being in the cloud with one provider is easier but it's like putting all our eggs in the same basket. Do we have other options?
Why NoSQL Equals NoSecurity - Great post with a lot of information about many different NoSQL databases. It also suggests some best practices to get a correct level of security on your NoSQL database.
Professional WCF 4: Windows Communication Foundation with .NET 4 – With a lot of code samples this great book explain all the facets of the Windows Communication Foundation WCF. The authors put all pieces together so block by block we are prepared to build a Service Oriented Application SOA.
My car ships with crapware (Scott Hanselman) - Hilarious and true, why we can have a super dual-core computer in our pocket but our car come with a so crap old "computer"?
5 Presentation Apps to Try - Quick list of nice tools helping us to pass through a presentation or after to share some files.
12 Ways to Attack Any Challenge - Facing difficulties is good. It's mean you are challenging yourself. That you try to become better. This nice post is refreshing your memories about ways to overcome those challenges.
More of What You Came For (Michael Desmond) - The team of the MSDN Magazine are since ... forever trying to always offer more. This time is by giving more content (some exclusively) on their web site. Like the column Azure by Bruno Terkaly.
18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done (Peter Bregman) – A great book that explain a lot of little think that we could do every day to help to focus on the thing we want to accomplish. Nothing magic but it help to take better decision. Peter use a lot of personal story to explain is thoughts and that improve a lot the comprehension. It was my first experience with audio book, and I really like it. It was done by Peter Bregme himself.
Quantifying and Avoiding Risk on the Windows Azure platform (Richard S. Parker) - Great post that identifies different types of risk and help to understand each of them. It’s also explained how you should manage the risk by not being dependant of Microsoft SLA.
Announcing SQL Azure Data Sync Preview Update (GregoryLeake) - This is a great news! not being able to update sync group was REALLY painful... Otherwise Azure Data Sync is a great application.
How We're Using Amazon Web Services - is sharing their experience of the cloud by showing how they use the AWS. Nice true story.
Exploring Cloud Architecture - A really nice recap of different architectures in the cloud. Putting them in context with cost efficiency.
[…]cost efficiency doesn’t equate to cheap or even free. You can determine the cost to be efficient when the equation can’t be changed to reduce cost without also reducing the services or functionality—meaning[…]
Getting Acquainted with NoSQL on Windows Azure (Bruce Kyle) - A real good post. It compares different noSQL databases and explains how they work. A lot of other good posts and tutorials are also referred. Definitely perfect to get started.
Announcing SQL Azure Data Sync Preview Update (Gregory Leake) - This is a great news. Not being able to edit the sync group in my previous projects was really painful. I can’t wait to try the new version...
An Up-Close Examination of the Microsoft RDP Vulnerability (Guest Author) - Important RDP vulnerability was fixed in the March patch. Since in Azure the remote is disables by default and that some firewall rules protect some connections, if you use Azure you are now safe and probably you were never really in danger. But if you are using an image on AWS you probably should apply you Windows Updates...
I'm Sure It Will Only Take You A Few Days To Code - Interesting, I didn't think our usual or natural sensor to estimate the complexity of something cannot be use when it comes to estimate software... but it makes senses!
[…]HTTPS (SSL) doesn't mean "I can trust this site," it means "this conversation is private." You still might be having a private conversation with Satan. - Scott Hanselman Trust[…]
Managing cloud computing security requires planning - This post explain which question you should ask yourself about when planning your move to the cloud... or when you already there. Better later then never.
Getting Started with Windows Azure – part2 (ScottGu) - In this second post of a series Scott Gu is taking our hand to show how to get started for free and why we shouldn't worry about getting charge because of this new feature:the billing limit.
“[…] Spending limits are a new feature we added to Windows Azure last month, and ensure that you never have to worry about accidentally going over the resources included in a free offer and being charged […]”
“[…]You can learn more about the spending limit feature here[…]”
the Module pattern (part 4) – debugging - In this fourth post of the series is using a intrusive but really efficient method to debug the clock watch module.
Using HTML5 Canvas for Data Visualization - This post present the HTML5 canvas by building a chart. It look a lot of work compare of using chart component, put we can do everything...
Cloud is complex—deal with it (James Urquhart) - It’s up to people to make technologies that survive cloud as a complex system—one component at a time. That’s, well, how you deal with it.
The biggest missing link here, is the extensibility with custom components. At this moment, it doesn’t look possible to have (de)batching, custom validation, zipping and all these other things we do in BizTalk pipeline components.
Windows Azure Caching Strategies - Great article that demystify where we should cache our data by adding a layer of indirection.
A good post about using the Windows Azure CDN can be found on Steve Marx’s blog.
There are a couple of variations on that theme available, and I discussed one in a blog post from March 2010.
The Elements of Distributed Architecture (Clemens Vasters) – I just watch few minutes, but it look great! Introduction to the key elements of distributed software architecture. [video]
I was re-doing some of the labs in the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit (WAPTK) when one of then didn't works: MessagingWithQueue. A got this error message:
Could not connect to net.tcp://
The connection attempt lasted for a time span of 00:00:00.0615234.
TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Quickly this message is saying that the port 9354 need to be open. So I was going to ask to open this port, but then I ask my self: “What if I couldn't?” Does Azure service Bus suppose to be super flexible and give me the opportunity to you all kind of connection? Of course it does, so I decide to make a RESTful version of this lab.
Let’s begin
Create a new Cloud project in Visual Studio, and add a web role. In fact, regular web project will work just fine, but to keep it close to the original lab I will start with a cloud on. In the content folder add preloader.gif and override the Site.css (all the code, images and files are available here). In the View / Shared folder override the Site.Master and in View / Home override Index.aspx. You can run now the application, you should see something like that:
Create Azure AppFabric Service Bus
On the Azure management portal at In the Service Bus section, create a new Service Bus. You will need the Service Gateway, the Default Issuer (always “owner” in the CTP) and the Default Key.
Create New Queues
To Create a queue the button “Create” in section B will send the text, the queue name, to the Home controller and let us know the result. To do that let’s add some JavaScript /JQuery code in the Index page.
var getQueuesUrl = '< %= Url.Action("Queues") % >';
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#createQueue").submit(function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('action');
var queueName = $("#queueName").val();
$("#send").attr("disabled", "true");
$("#retrieve").attr("disabled", "true");
$.post(url, { queueName: queueName })
.success(function (response) { renderCreateQueueStatus(response); })
.error(function () { renderCreateQueueStatus(false); });
function renderCreateQueueStatus(response) {
if (response) {
$("#createQueueStatus").html("Queue created successfully!");
} else {
$("#createQueueStatus").html("An error occurred, please try again later.");
$("#send").attr("disabled", "");
$("#retrieve").attr("disabled", "");
function loadQueues() {
$.get(getQueuesUrl).success(function (response) {
var ul = $(" > ul");
var sendMsgCombo = $("#sendMessageQueue");
var receiveMsgCombo = $("#retrieveMessageQueue");
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
var item = response[i];
sendMsgCombo.append('<option value="' + item.Name + '">' + item.Name + '</option>');
receiveMsgCombo.append('<option value="' + item.Name + '">' + item.Name + '</option>');
ul.append('<li><label>' + item.Name + '</label><div class="msgCountOf' + item.Name.replace(/ /g, '') + '" style="float:right"><label>Messages</label></div></li>');
updateMessageCountOf(item.Name, item.Messages);
function updateMessageCountOf(queueName, numberOfMessages) {
var message = numberOfMessages + " Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "0") message = "No Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "1") message = numberOfMessages + " Message";
$("div.msgCountOf" + queueName.replace(/ /g, '') + " > label").html(message);
Once the document is ready loadQueues() is called. This function will loop through a list of queues name and fill the two listbox and the build the middle list .
Using Jquery the $("#createQueue") add a submit function to the button with the ID createQueue and on the success or error will call the function renderCreateQueueStatus to update the content of the Label createQueueStatus. Then recall loadQueues() so it can refresh the queues lists.
On the server side now we will need a function CreateQueue that accept a string parameter as queue name and return a JsonResult. This function should act as a HttpPost. To communicate a token is needed. This is done by the primary call to Index. It’s creating a token for us with the issuer name and issuer secret of our Service bus with the function GetToken.
Put the information about your Service Bus (Service Gateway, Issuer and Key) in the Settings.The default constructor load this information.
To update the list of our queues we will use a function Queues(). This will download the information from “$Resources/Queues” and build a array of Json object with properties: Name and Messages. It took me some time before this Linq query works, the tricks is to use the namespace when looking for a node.
public class HomeController : Controller
private String mServiceNamespace;
private static String mBaseAddress;
private static String mToken;
private String mIssuerName;
private String mIssuerSecret;
private const String SBHOSTNAME = "";
private const String ACSHOSTNAME = "";
private const String ATOMNS = "{}";
private const String SBNS = "{}";
public HomeController()
mServiceNamespace = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("namespaceAddress");
mIssuerName = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("issuerName");
mIssuerSecret = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("issuerSecret");
mBaseAddress = "https://" + mServiceNamespace + "." + SBHOSTNAME + "/";
public ActionResult Index()
// Get a SWT token from the Access Control Service, given the issuerName and issuerSecret values.
mToken = GetToken(mIssuerName, mIssuerSecret);
catch (WebException we)
using (HttpWebResponse response = we.Response as HttpWebResponse)
if (response != null)
ViewBag.Message += Environment.NewLine + (new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd());
ViewBag.Message += Environment.NewLine + (we.ToString());
return View();
public JsonResult CreateQueue(String queueName)
var _queueAddress = mBaseAddress + queueName;
var _webClient = GetWebClient();
var _putData = @"<entry xmlns="""">
<title type=""text"">" + queueName + @"</title>
<content type=""application/xml"">
<QueueDescription xmlns:i="""" xmlns="""" />
byte[] _response = _webClient.UploadData(_queueAddress, "PUT", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_putData));
var _queueDescription = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_response);
return Json(_queueDescription, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public JsonResult Queues()
var _xDoc = XDocument.Parse(GetResources("$Resources/Queues"));
var _queues = (from entry in _xDoc.Descendants(ATOMNS + "entry")
select new
Name = entry.Element(ATOMNS + "title").Value,
Messages = entry.Element(ATOMNS + "content").Element(SBNS + "QueueDescription").Element(SBNS + "MessageCount").Value
return Json(_queues, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
private WebClient GetWebClient()
var _webClient = new WebClient();
_webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = mToken;
return _webClient;
private String GetToken(String issuerName, String issuerSecret)
var acsEndpoint = "https://" + mServiceNamespace + "-sb." + ACSHOSTNAME + "/WRAPv0.9/";
var realm = "http://" + mServiceNamespace + "." + SBHOSTNAME + "/";
var _values = new NameValueCollection();
_values.Add("wrap_name", issuerName);
_values.Add("wrap_password", issuerSecret);
_values.Add("wrap_scope", realm);
var _webClient = new WebClient();
byte[] response = _webClient.UploadValues(acsEndpoint, _values);
var _responseString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
var _responseProperties = _responseString.Split('&');
var _tokenProperty = _responseProperties[0].Split('=');
var _token = Uri.UnescapeDataString(_tokenProperty[1]);
return "WRAP access_token=\"" + _token + "\"";
private String GetResources(String resourceAddress)
String _fullAddress = mBaseAddress + resourceAddress;
var _webClient = GetWebClient();
return _webClient.DownloadString(_fullAddress); ;
Send a Message
On the client side using JQuery we add a submit event that will call SendMessage from our controller then update the status and the message count.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#sendMessage").submit(function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('action');
var queueName = $("#sendMessageQueue option:selected").val();
var message = $("#messageToSend").val();
$("#create").attr("disabled", "true");
$("#retrieve").attr("disabled", "true");
$.post(url, { message: message, queueName: queueName })
.success(function (response) {
updateMessageCountOf(queueName, response);
.error(function () { renderSendMessageStatus(false); });
function updateMessageCountOf(queueName, numberOfMessages) {
var message = numberOfMessages + " Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "0") message = "No Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "1") message = numberOfMessages + " Message";
$("div.msgCountOf" + queueName.replace(/ /g, '') + " > label").html(message);
function renderSendMessageStatus(response) {
if (response) $("#sendMessageStatus").html("Message sent successfully!");
else $("#sendMessageStatus").html("An error occurred, please try again later.");
$("#create").attr("disabled", "");
$("#retrieve").attr("disabled", "");
function updateMessageCountOf(queueName, numberOfMessages) {
var message = numberOfMessages + " Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "0") message = "No Messages";
if (numberOfMessages == "1") message = numberOfMessages + " Message";
$("div.msgCountOf" + queueName.replace(/ /g, '') + " > label").html(message);
On the server side the SendMessage function will post our message.
public JsonResult SendMessage(String queueName, String message)
var _fullAddress = mBaseAddress + queueName + "/messages" + "?timeout=60";
var _webClient = GetWebClient();
_webClient.UploadData(_fullAddress, "POST", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
return Json("1", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Retrieve a Message
Finally to retrieve a message wee need to select a queue then send it to the server side. I modify this part of the code because I’m not using the brokeredMessage so I don't have all the properties from the original code lab.
How To Write Plugin in jQuery (Shakeel Iqbal | 28 Nov 2011 | Unedited contribution) - Yet another tutorial about creating a jQuery plugin. What is nice in this one is that is doing by iteration, starting with an empty plugin then adding bit of code to finish with some really great.
What the Heck Are Document Databases? - Really interesting article, that explain not only what are NoSql database but what you can do with it and some differences between them.
MongoDB (
CouchDB (
RavenDB (
An Alternative, Not a Replacement, for Relational Databases
BlobShare Sample: ACS-Protected File Sharing (Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT) - Nice complement to the Cover Cloud Show (episode 63). This post explain how the access control service works with BlobShare by following a scenario.
"SQL Azure Reporting enables new hybrid IT scenarios - for example, customers can schedule automatic synchronization of on-premises databases with SQL Azure, and then deploy cloud-based BI reports based on the synchronized cloud-based data"
Reporting on Diagnostics Data(Joseph Fultz) – Wooo! A lot of stuff is going on here. grab your CTP access and download the code available in this article. great prove of concept.
Static Web Site Migration to Windows Azure(David Pallmann) - If you didn't know yet, here packaged in a 30 minutes recipe how to migrate a static web site. good way to move in the cloud AND saving money.
The Developer’s Guide to AppFabric (Alan Smith) - This is the official release version of “The Developer’s Guide to AppFabric” and it’s free.
"Microsoft’s Tony Meleg actually did an excellent job frankly discussing the future of the middle platformand their challenges of branding and cohesion. I strongly encourage you to watch that session"
How to Start Freelancing (Coby Chapple) – A series about doing some freelancing. the author share is experience. Read part1, part2, part3... still one more to come