Showing posts with label ajax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ajax. Show all posts

Reading Notes #157

microsoftazurewebsitescheatsheetSuggestion of the week



  • Inception-Style Nested Data Formats (Scott Hanselman) - What seem to be a good solution at one point could put you in a big problem tomorrow. This post explains one possible cause.



  • Markdown Style Guide - This post gives some simple tips to keep our Markdown document easy to read when not converted.


Reading Notes #147

Suggestion of the week





Reading Notes #51

Cloud Storage
The Cloud Storage
  • Setting up a webfarm using Windows Azure Virtual Machines (Maarten Balliauw) - Nice post that explains how to build a web farm with a free load balancer using the brand new Windows Azure. This post pass-through all steps putting the emphasis on important notion to have a nice web farm up and running.
[…]Sysprep ensures the machine can be cloned into a new machine, getting its own settings like a hostname and IP address. A non-sysprepped machine can thus never be cloned.[…]
  • Marked As Pertinent - The perfect post to read when looking for a NoSql (or a key/value store), because this post compare a lot of them.
  • Nuno Filipe Godinho - Very nice feature. You don’t need any more to uninstall Azure SDK to install a new one! Even more you have a new dropdownlist that will act as a filter in visual studio when creating your new project.
  • DFW Ajax Users Group - Nice post that presents the characteristics of the two main architecture of site (with sample) and explains why most actual sites are in fact hybrid.
  • Using the Windows Azure Cache Preview with SDK 1.7 - Nice demo of Azure Cache preview and a quick fix on a potential problem you could have trying it with the emulator.
[…]Come up with a plan and assemble what you need, but whatever you do, don’t label this vision as impossible[…]


Reading Notes #46





“there is, as Joshua Topolsky puts it, “a missing link in our computing experience” ( “
  • The key to AddOrUpdate (Arthur Vickers) - While waiting for the next release of EF this post explain very clearly how to implement an extension method to help use in a more generic context when we want the same functionality of the DbSet.Find in a AddUpdateEntity method.
  • Mocking Dependencies != IoC (or at least it doesn’t have to) (Vincent-Philippe Lauzon) - Interesting tutorial that explains an alternative to mock without using dependency injection IoC by using the Lazy.


  • Michael Stephenson - Tips on when not using BizTalk config file and reference on another post to more details.
"I wrote a blog post a few years ago around the options for where you could put configuration settings in BizTalk (Click here)."



Reading Notes #45


Azure lets us focus on our product rather than focusing on how we need to scale the application
“For a rich comparison of SQL Azure and Windows Azure Table storage, see Joseph Fultz’s MSDN Magazine article at:”
This blog has three posts that give detailed explanation of how a test rig with Controller and Agents can be created in Windows Azure.”
There does not seem to be any good working OAUTH v2 examples for Java using ACS




Reading Notes #14





Fenêtre de dialogue JQuery avec ajax

Un collègue m'a demandé de l'aider pour faire une fenêtre de dialogue pour une application web. Rien de plus simple avec JQueryUI, un simple .dialog() et... "Oui mais le contenu du dialogue doit être une page externe...".   Ah ah, voilà qui semblait compliquer les choses.

Normalement pour faire un dialogue c'est très simple:
   1: <div id="MyDialog">
   2:  <h2>Bravo!</h2>
   3:  <p>Vous avez affiché une boite de dialogue avec succès</p>
   4: </div>
   5: <script type="text/javascript">
   6:  $(document).ready(function(){
   7:   $("#MyDialog").dialog();  
   8:  });