Showing posts with label csharp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label csharp. Show all posts

Reading Notes #637

In this edition of my Reading Notes, I've curated some fascinating content that spans across programming, creativity, and enlightening podcasts. Whether you're eager to enhance your coding skills, explore unique ideas, or stay updated with the latest in the tech world, there's something here for everyone. 
Dive in and enjoy these insightful reads and discussions!




Sharing my Reading Notes is a habit I started a long time ago, where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. If you have interesting content, share it! 


Reading Notes #633

This edition of Readings Notes covers the synergies between C# and Rust, open-source software licensing challenges, and securing the software supply chain. It also feature a beginner’s guide to programming C# in Visual Studio Code. Finally, we delve into the evaluation process of AI models for GitHub Copilot. 

Enjoy the read!

man looking at the camera with a frozen lake behind him


  • How we evaluate AI models and LLMs for GitHub Copilot (Connor Adams, Klint Finley) - This is an interesting post that shares the methods used to test the different models before they can be included. Testing a model is different than testing a regular piece of code, what are they looking for, and what's important?
Sharing my Reading Notes is a habit I started a long time ago, where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.

If you have interesting content, share 


Visual Countdown Days Until [a date]

During the holidays, I embarked on a fun project to create a visual countdown for important dates. Inspired by howmanysleeps and hometime from veebch, I wanted to build a countdown that didn't rely on Google Calendar. Instead, I used a Raspberry Pi Pico and some custom code to achieve this.

💾 You can find the full code on GitHub

Raspberry Pi pico and the light using custom colors

What It Is

This project consists of two main parts:

  • Python code for the Raspberry Pi Pico
  • A .NET website to update the configuration, allowing you to set:
    • The important date
    • Two custom colors or random ones
    • The RGB values for the custom colors

screenshot of the configuration website

What You Need

How to Deploy the Configuration Website

After cloning the repo, navigate to the src/NextEvent/ folder and use the Azure Developer CLI to initialize the project:

azd init

Enter a meaningful name for your resource group in Azure. To deploy, use the deployment command:

azd up

Specify the Azure subscription and location when prompted. After a few minutes, everything should be deployed. You can access the URL from the output in the terminal or retrieve it from the Azure Portal.

How to Set Up the Raspberry Pi Pico

Edit the file to add your Wi-Fi information and update the number of lights on your light strip.

You can use Thonny to copy the Python code to the device. Copy both and to the Raspberry Pi Pico.

How It Works

  • The website creates a JSON file and saves it in a publicly accessible Azure storage.
  • When the Pi is powered on, it will:
    • Turn green one by one all the lights of the strip
    • Change the color of the entire light strip a few times, then turn it off
    • Try to connect to the Wi-Fi
    • Retrieve the timezone, current date, and settings from the JSON file
    • If the important date is within 24 days, the countdown will be displayed using random colors or the specified colors.
    • If the date has passed, the light strip will display a breathing effect with a random color of the day.

The Code on the Raspberry Pi Pico

The main code for the Raspberry Pi Pico is written in Python. Here's a brief overview of what it does:

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi: The connect_to_wifi function connects the Raspberry Pi Pico to the specified Wi-Fi network.
  2. Get Timezone and Local Time: The get_timezone and get_local_time functions fetch the current timezone and local time using online APIs.
  3. Fetch Light Settings: The get_light_settings function retrieves the important date and RGB colors from the JSON file stored in Azure.
  4. Calculate Sleeps Until Special Day: The sleeps_until_special_day function calculates the number of days until the important date.
  5. Control the LED Strip: The progress function controls the LED strip, displaying the countdown or a breathing effect based on the current date and settings.

The Configuration Website

The configuration website is built in C#. It's a Blazor server webapp, and I used .NET Aspire to make it easy to run it locally. The UI uses FluentUI-Blazor so it looks pretty, without effort. 

The website allows you to update the settings for the Raspberry Pi Pico. You can set the important date, choose custom colors, and save these settings to a JSON file in Azure storage.

Little Extra

The website is deployed in Azure Container App with a minimum scaling to zero to save on costs. This may cause a slight delay when loading the site for the first time, but it will work just fine and return to "dormant" mode after a while.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my holiday project! It was a fun and educational experience, and I look forward to working on more projects like this in the future.

What's Next?

Currently the project does a 24 days countdown (inspired from the advent calendar). I would like to add a feature to allow the user to set the number of days for the countdown. I would also like to add the possibility to set the color for the breathing effect (or keep it random) when the important date has passed. And lastly, I would like to add the time of the day when the light strip should turn on and off, because we all have different schedule 😉 .

Last thoughts

I really enjoyed doing this project. It was a fun way to learn more about the Raspberry Pi Pico, micro-Python (I didn't even know it was a thing), and FluentUI Blazor. I hope you enjoyed reading about it and that it inspired you to create your own fun projects. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out, I'm fboucheros on most socials.


Reading Notes #608

It's reading notes time! It is a habit I started a long time ago, where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

You also read something you liked? Share it!






~ Frank

Reading Notes #589

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!



  • Understanding C# 8 default interface methods (Andrew Lock) - Very clear post about the new feature available in interfaces, with great examples that make us understand why and when it is useful and how to implement it.

Open Source



Reading Notes #538

Good Monday, 
Already time to share new reading notes. Here is a list of all the articles, and blog posts that catch my interest during the week. 

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!





Reading Notes #497

Good Monday, 
Already time to share new reading notes. Here is a list of all the articles, blog posts, and podcast episodes that catch my interest during the week. 

You think you may have interesting content, share it!






Reading Notes #488

Good Monday, time to share my reading notes. Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!



Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most 
(Greg McKeown) 

- Nice continuity of his first book Essentialism. I appreciated this reading. Many simple and easy ideas that we can start to apply. If interested in this topic Greg also has a podcast: What's Essential.


Learning how to Build, Secure, and Deploy your Azure Static Web App in C#

Recently I participated in a series of videos about Azure Static Web Apps: Azure Tips and Tricks: Static Web Apps on Microsoft Channel 9. The series is perfect to get started and cover multiple different scenarios in different Javascript frameworks and C#. In this post, I wanted to regroup the four videos related to .Net Blazor. I also added the GitHub links part of the references at to end.

How to create a web app in C# with Blazor & Azure Static Web Apps

In this video, we start from scratch. We will build and deploy a brand new static website with .Net Blazor.

How to add a C# API to your Blazor web app

Now that you built your web app with C# and Blazor, what about adding a serverless C# API to it? Have a look!

How to secure your C# API with Azure Static Web Apps

Prevent unwanted users to access your C# API by configuring authentication and authorization in your Blazor Azure Static Web Apps.

I hope those videos will help you to get started. If you have questions and/or comments don't hesitate to reach out (comments, DM, GitHub issues), it's always a pleasure.

How CI/CD and preview branches work with Azure Static Web Apps

In this video, I wanted to show one of the great features of Azure Static Web App Learn: the creation of pre-production environments. Using the CI/CD workflow, you can preview your pull requests changes before it's in production leveraging the automatic creation of pre-production environments!


Reading Notes #466

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!

The suggestion of the week





Reading Notes #455

The suggestion of the week




Reading Notes #454





Every Tool's a Hammer: Life Is What You Make It

(Adam Savage) 

- I really liked this book. In fact, As I was reading the first chapter I was "earing" Adam's voice. So instead of creating that voice in my head I bought the audiobook and let Adam himself tells me his story. This is the best book I listen to this year. It was inspiring and empowering.

Reading Notes #439





How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

Author: Leil Lowndes

I was interested to read this book to get some inspiration when it's time to talk to people in an event. But this book brought me way more then that. I really appreciated the clear example and the variety. After reading this book you won't be a master, but you now have options to start a conversation.


Reading Notes #382




Reading Notes #364





      Reading Notes #359






      How to Be a Bawse_cover
      How to Be a Bawse A Guide to Conquering Life
      Lilly Singh
      Not only the message is strong, but the way she delivers it is awesome. Many times I laugh and nod of the head... Definitely a great book to read at the end of the year when resolution time is not far...


      Reading Notes #332





      • [Invisible Ink: A Practical Guide to Building Stories That Resonate] (Brian McDonald)  - We all know it, a story is the element that will give that little plus to our post, and video. This short book explains how to really make an effective one talking about the not visual things...
        Really interesting.

        ISBN 0984178627 (ISBN13: 9780984178629)

      Reading Notes #311

      DateTimeImg2Suggestion of the week



      • Styling Social Media Icon Lists in CSS (Mark Heath) - Yeah right, we can read CSS and probably hack some stuff... But it's excellent to learn how to do simple things the good way. And this post shows exactly that.



      Reading Notes #244




      Reading Notes #169


      Happy New Year!



      Suggestion of the week




      ~Frank Boucher