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Reading Notes
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Reading Notes #628
For this week reading notes, I have some exciting blog posts and podcast episodes. Covering topics including .NET scaffolding, Visual Studio...
Reading Notes #571
It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and bo...
Reading Notes #546
Cloud How to build, test and deploy your application using Azure and GitHub - Azure DevOps Blog (Liam Hampton) - A nice DevOps tutorial...
Summary of Week 34
Every beginning weekend, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two hours ...
Recap/ Summary week #33
Every beginning of weekend, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two ho...
Reading Notes #402
Every week, I publish my reading notes. Those are the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest and that I fo...
Reading Notes #324
Cloud Using Chocolatey with Azure VMs (Dan Patrick) - If you are on Windows you must know Chocolatey. Gartner recognizes Microsoft ...
Reading Notes #257
Suggestion of the week Microsoft Connect(); 2016 Recap (Joseph Hill) - Three full day of great content. However, if you are like me, you...
Reading Notes #231
Suggestion of the week Introducing docs.microsoft.com - Great post that explains all the nice features of the first glimpse of the new M...
Reading Notes #230
Suggestion of the week Data Locality - Great troubleshooting session explained, definitely a post to read. Cloud A first look at ...
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