Let's get started!
ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework servicing release advisory: ASP.NET Core 2.3 (Daniel Roth) - Learn more about this new release.
The Importance of Good Error Messages (jdanton1) - I cannot agree more with the idea! How many of us have lost hours trying to figure out what was the error because the description wasn't clear!
From pain to productivity: How I learned to code with my voice (Salma) - I watched a few of Salma's streams where she was struggling with those tools. This post shares the entire story, the different tools, and her progress.
Giving Granular Controls to Azure EasyAuth | Microsoft Community Hub ( Justin Yoo) - EasyAuth is like the name suggests pretty simple to setup and use, but also more minimalist than other solutions. This OSS package changes everything making it more versatile.
Microsoft Entra Authentication for Azure PostgreSQL (Arun S) - Learn how ease security enforcement (ex: password rotation) by centralizing the account with Entra.
Azure Data Studio Retirement | Microsoft Community Hub (carlosrobles) - I used in love Azure Data Studio and I'm a little bit sad to see it go away but I think it's for the best since all the functionality will be now available in vs code extension
- A case for getting dressed every day (Salma) - I agree one hundred percent with her it's so true.