Why Every C# Developer Should Explore Rust (Chris Woodruff) - Even though I heard of Rust I don't think I ever wrote a single line. This post gives a brief list of ideas where we could make a combo c#-rust, and where to get started. Hmmm.
.NET OSS Projects: Better to Re-license or Die? (Aaron Stannard) - What are the options when a free OSS project changes its license? Nice post that provides an overview of a recent change like this.
Protecting the Software Supply Chain: The Art of Continuous Improvement (Melissa Sussmann) - This post lists the tools available to help us keeping our app secured and clean.
How to Program C# in Visual Studio Code (Claudio Bernasconi) - It cost nothing and it is simple to start coding in C#, from .NET as this tutorial shows.
- How we evaluate AI models and LLMs for GitHub Copilot (Connor Adams, Klint Finley) - This is an interesting post that shares the methods used to test the different models before they can be included. Testing a model is different than testing a regular piece of code, what are they looking for, and what's important?