- Azure Event Grid vs Azure IoT Hub: Which is better for IoT? (Chris Pietschmann) - This great post explains both services and then their differences. Both can do most of the time, but when it becomes serious, which one is the best for your scenario?
- Azure Virtual Machines Anatomy (Vincent-Philippe Lauzon) - This post is an excellent biopsy of a virtual machine, it explains every part one by one.
- Experiment with Azure for FREE! (Anthony D. Green) - It's time to get started; it's free, and it's the real deal.
- List all App Service web apps outbound IP addresses used in a subscription (Stéphane Lapointe) - Nice little gem.
- User accounts made easy with Azure (Andrew B Hall) - Excellent post showings how easy it is to integrate user management in our app. I wish I had that when I started my last portal...
- You Have No Excuse for Dead Code (Erik Dietrich) - This post explains why more is not always better.
- Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) October Updates (Jenny Jiang) - What I like about VSCode is that it is so customizable, it can still be very light and do a fantastic job for people with highly different goals.
- Use a second laptop as an extended monitor with Windows 10 wireless displays (Scott Hanselman) - Wow! How cool is that!
- Why You Shouldn't Worry About Imposter Syndrome (Jordan Scheltgen) - This post is a great piece of wisdom.