Every Monday, I share my reading notes. Those are the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.
Deploying Azure Functions With Github Actions | LINQ to Fail (Aaron Powell) - Fantastic post that shows how with only a few lines of code you can auto-deploy to Azure your serverless components.
- How to Prepare for a Successful Cloud Migration (Aaron Woods) - This post list the questions we should ask ourselves before migrating. This will definitely help to reduce the bumps of a migration.
- Future Ready Blazor Application Architecture (S.Ravi Kumar) - Great tutorial that explains how to build our own component and start to reuse code.
- How to Add Infinite Scrolling to Your React App (John Au-Yeung) - Nice react tutorial for an optimized webpage.
- Solving Sudoku with backtracking : Algorithms for the masses (Julian M Bucknall) - Interesting post to read about code patterns applied to something we all know... Sudoku.
- Mastering the all-remote environment: My top 5 challenges and solutions - A great post. That really list the challenges you can encounter as a remote worker with there solutions, or suggestions to ease them.