The suggestion of the week
- Azure Cost Management updates – November 2019 | Blog | Microsoft Azure (Michael Flanakin) - This is great news. Finally also available for CSPs learn more about it in this post and there also a link to the Ignite recorded session video.
- Deploying Containerized Azure Functions with Terraform (Jason) - Nice quick tutorial to avoid deploying a "zip file".
- Tip 236 - Deploy your web app in Windows Containers on Azure App Service | Azure Tips and Tricks (Michael Crump) - Great and easy way to get started with containers using Visual Studio
- Using Azure File Storage as Container Volume Mounts in App Services | (Michael Jolley) - A nice piece of information and so useful! Every one needs volumes...
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.1 (Sourabh Shirhatti) - I'm very excited about this 3.1 version.I'm not sure why maybe it's because it is the long-time support (LTS). Nevertheless, I will update all my projects.
- Working with Linux and Windows Containers simultaneously on Docker Desktop (Mark Heath) - A very and I mean VERY interesting post that proof that it is possible to run containers with mix OS from Win10 without any fancy or preview features.
- Use Google Sheets to translate faster (Robin Kretzschmar) - Woo! That's pretty cool. Automatic translation is never the best but this is very convenient.
- 7 Dangers of Micromanagement ( Jack Wallen) - Nice post to help you give the best version of yourself. (Note it's now 6, but it was 7 when I read it)
- Defragmenting your Calendar and your Outlook (Scott Hanselman) - Time management is hard...Timeboxing, Pomodoro, no meeting, short meetings... What's your thoughts?
Great book with many very interesting ideas.Not the same things that we ear elsewhere, or if it is, it's in very different words.