It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.
If you think you may have interesting content, share it!
5 Awesome C# Refactoring Tips (Milan Jovanović) - Refactoring is an important skill to have. Most code grow by patches and at some point it needs some help.
Hot Reload for C# Dev Kit (Mark Downie) - Wow! Things are evolving so fast, we pass from syntax highlighting from hot reload so fast!
When building a new project, we don't need a big database that scales and has lots of data, but we do still need some kind of data source. Of course, it is possible to fake it and have some hardcoded value returned by an API but that takes time to create and it's not a database. In this post, I want to share a solution to have a portable, self-healing, disposable, disconnected database that doesn't require any installation.
The solution? Put the database in a container! It doesn't matter what database you are planning to use or on which OS you are developing. Most databases will have an official image available on Docker Hub and Docker runs on all platforms. If you feel uncomfortable with containers, have no fear, this post is beginner-friendly.
This post is part of a series where I share my experience while building a Dungeon crawler game. The code can be found on GitHub.
The Plan
Have a database ready at the "press of a button". By "ready", I mean up and running, with data in it, and accessible to all developer tools.
Preparation for the Database
We need a script to create the database schema and some data. There are many ways to achieve this. A beginner-friendly way is to create an empty database and use a tool like Azure Data Studio to help create the SQL scripts. Doing it this way will validate that the script works.
The Docker command to create the database's container will change a little depending on the database you are using but here what's a MySQL one look like:
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='rootPassword' -p 3306:3306 -d mysql
Where some-mysql is the name you want to assign to your container, rootPassword is the password to be set for the MySQL root user and -d means that the container will run detached. The -p option is used to map the port 3306 of the container to the port 3306 of the host. This is required to be able to connect to the database from the host.
Now, a MySQL server is running inside the container. To connect to the server with Azure Data Studio use the extension MySQL extension for Azure Data Studio. Microsoft has a QuickStart: Use Azure Data Studio to connect and query MySQL if needed. Create a new connection in Azure Data Studio, then create a database (ex: 2d6db).
You can use the MySQL command-line tool if you prefer, but Azure Data Studio offers a lot of help when you are not that familiar with SQL. You can even use the Copilot extension and ask it to write the SQL statement for you. It's pretty good!
It's fantastic to generate a first draft of the create statements and to make queries.
Let's create two SQL scripts. The first one will be to create the schema with all the tables. The idea here is to write the script and execute it to validate the results. Here is an example creating only one table to keep the post simple.
-- schema.sql
roll int DEFAULT 0,
level int DEFAULT 1,
size varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
room_type varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
description varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
encounter varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
exits varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
is_unique bool DEFAULT false,
Now that there are tables in the database, let's fill them with seed data. For this, the second SQL script will contain insert statement to populate the tables. We don't need all the data but only what will be useful when developing. Think about creating data to cover all types or scenarios, it's a development database so it should contain data to help you code.
-- data.sql
INSERT INTO 2d6db.rooms(roll, level, room_type, size, description, exits, is_unique)
VALUES (2,1,'Empty space', 'small','There is nothing in this small space', 'Archways',false);
INSERT INTO 2d6db.rooms(roll, level, room_type, size, description, exits, is_unique)
VALUES (3,1,'Strange Text', 'small','This narrow room connects the corridors and has no furniture. On the wall though...', 'Archways',false);
INSERT INTO 2d6db.rooms(roll, level, room_type, size, description, exits, is_unique)
VALUES (4,1,'Grakada Mural', 'small','There is a large mural of Grakada here. Her old faces smiles...', 'Archways',true);
Note: You can now stop the database's container with the command: docker stop some-mysql. We don't need it anymore.
Putting All the Pieces Together
This is when the magic starts to show up. Using a Docker Compose file, we will start the database container and execute the two SQL scripts to create and populate the database.
The docker-compose.yml file are in YAML and usually are used to start multiple containers at once, but it doesn't need to. In this scenario, the file defines a single container named 2d6server using just like the previous Docker command and MySQL image and configuration. The last command volumes is new. It maps the path where the SQL scripts are located to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d inside the container. When MySQL starts it will execute the files in that specific folder in alphabetic order. This is why the scripts are renamed 1.sql and 2.sql, as the table must be created first.
Do get the database up and ready, we will execute the docker compose up.
# start the database
docker compose -f /path_to_your_file/docker-compose.yml up -d
# stop the database
docker compose -f /path_to_your_file/docker-compose.yml down -d
By default, the command looks for a docker-compose.yml file. If you have a different name use the argument -f to specify the filename. Optionally, to free the prompt you can pass the argument -d to be in detached mode.
When you are done coding and you don't need the database anymore, execute the docker compose down command to free up your computer. Compared to when the server is installed locally, a container will leave no trace; your computer is not "polluted".
When you need to update the database, edit the SQL script first. When the scripts are ready, execute the docker-compose restart to get the database refreshed.
To Conclude
Now, you only need to execute one simple command get a fresh database, when you want. All the developers don't need to have a database server installed and configured locally. And you don't need to be worried when deleting or modifying data, like when using a shared database. After cloning the repository all developers will have everything they need to start coding.
In a next post, I will share how I used Azure Data API Builder to generate a complete API on top of the database using the same docker compose method.
Video version!
If you prefer watching instead of reading here the video version of this post!
It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.
If you think you may have interesting content, share it!
Windows Terminal on Open at Microsoft (Christopher Nguyen) - Like many a love the new windows terminal, and learning more about the making of and the challenges they encounter was really interesting. Learn more about all that series of video in this post.
It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.
If you think you may have interesting content, share it!
Open at Microsoft – OmniBOR (Aeva Black) - Did you know there is a tool that can help you see the security flaws or your dependencies? Learn more about this project in this post and video.
Dapr (AugustaUd) - Learn more about Dapr with this series of 3 videos that each contains short demos. With a very active community, there is no dough that OSS project is healthy.
Negative Space Scheduling (Oren Eini) - Very cool real-life scenario. So true! If you ever have worked on a scheduler, you know. Visual Studio Code for the Web (Chris Dias) - There was already some kind of flavor of vscode with the, but there is something amazing about the standalone version. Brilliant!
5 Tips on Managing a Remote-first Development Team (Marcelo Wiermann) - As all of us have been working remotely for a while, it's a good moment to remember how communication is important and understand that in a more normal situation being remote can be good.
I wanted to create this tutorial for a long time. How to map a naked domain on an Azure resource. It looks so complicated, but once you know what to do it's kind of simple in fact. In this post, I will share the three simple steps to do exactly this.
Step 1: Add Custom Domain
The first step is to map a domain on the application. The method I will explain uses a "www" domain (ex: To map directly a naked domain (ex: you would need to buy a wildcard certificate. However, I will show you in step three how to walk around this issue by using DNS rules.
From the Azure portal, open the Azure Function or App Service. From the left menu search for "custom", click the Custom domains option. In this panel click the button Add custom domain, and enter your www domain.
Click the validate button and follow the instruction to make the connection between the App Service and your domain provider.
Step 2: Adding a Certificate
Now that your custom domain is mapped, let's fix the "not secure" warning by adding a certificate. From the Azure portal return in the App blade. Repeat the previous search for "custom", and select the option TLS/SSL settings. Click the Private Key Certificates, and the Create App Service Managed Certificate button. Select the domain previously added and saved. It will take a few moments to create the certificate.
Go back in the Custom domains blade and click the Add binding button. Select the domain and certificate, don't forget to select the SNI SSL option and click the Add Binding button.
Step 3: Create the DNS Rules
Create an account in and add a site for your domain. We will need to customize the DNS and create some Page Rules.
On the note the 2 nameservers addresses. Go to the origin name provider (in my case godaddy) and replace the names of the nameservers with the value found on cloudflare.
Create a rule that will redirect all the incoming traffic from the naked-domain to www.domain. On the option on the top, click the Pages Rules (B). Then Click the Button Create Page Rule
In the field for If the URL matches: enter the naked-domain follow by /*. That will match everything coming from that URL
For the settings select Forwarding URL and 301- Permanent Redirect. Then the destination URL should be https://www. with your domain and /$1.
Every beginning weekend, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two hours longs, so I thought a short summary to know if the topic interest you could be useful. Watch only the summary or relax and enjoy the longer version that up to you!
Every beginning of weekend, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two hour longs, so I thought a short summary to know if topic interest you could be useful. Watch only the summary or relax and enjoy the longer version that up to you!
Coding Python: Deploy Django and Postgres Apps to Azure with VS Code -
Stream 119 - How easy can we make the deployment of TinyBlazorAdmin -
Stream120 - Celebrating 500 followers and working on the Chat bot -
What ever you are on running on Linux, Mac or Windows that you are on the road or in the comfort of your office there is many different ways to manage your Azure resources. In this video I will show you five ways to do it and explain the pros and cons of each:
This is some basic, sample markdown.
Every Friday, starting now, I will share a recap of the week and at the same time a summary of my streams. Those videos are at least two hour longs, so I thought a short summary to know if topic interest you could be useful.
Useful Links:
Learning how to use a Blazor WebAssembly with Azure AD Token
Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting.
It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.
You think you may have interesting content, share it!
Unit Testing in ASP .NET Core 3.1 (Shahed C) - A nice post that shows how to get started with xUnit the voted most popular test framework.
APIs in the 2020s Panel (.NET Rocks!) - A virtual panel of awesome speakers that talked about API, REST, GraphQL, oData and so more. Lovely episode.
471: How to Say No Without Saying No, with Lois Frankel (Coaching for Leaders) - Saying No... being open. Really interesting topic. I put Lois Frankel: Nice Girls Don’t Speak Up or Stand Out in my to read list, that book maybe written for women in mind, but I think it is really interesting.
Leveraging Our Emotional Goals (Developer Tea) - An interesting episode that talk about goals and what we need to do (or not) to achieved them.
203: Updating Open Source Projects ( - As I just create my first version in one of my open-source project I found the topic more than interesting... Thank you, great show.
How to Stop Windows 10 Updates (5 Methods) (Mohammed Siddiqui) - I think you should only prevent auto-update when you really know what you are doing. Updates are easy to forget and therefore your PC could be at risk. That said, sometime it could really be a]
An incredible adventure yes around the globe, but more important over the personal limits. I found this book very inspiring. I felt following him across the Antarctica... In the blizzard or in those deep moment. Great memoir, great adventure.
Most solutions, if not all, are composed of multiple parts: backend, frontend, services, APIs, etc. Because all parts could have a different life-cycle it's important to be able to deploy them individually. However, sometimes we would like to deploy everything at once. It's exactly the scenario I had in a project I'm working on where with backend and one frontend.
In this post, I will explain how I use nested Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and conditions to let the user decide if he wants to deploy only the backend or the backend with a frontend of his choice. All the code will be available in GitHub and if you prefer, a video version is available below. (This post is also available in French)
The Context
The project used in this post my open-source budget-friendly Azure URL Shortener. Like mentioned previously the project is composed of two parts. The backend leverage Microsoft serverless Azure Functions, it a perfect match in this case because it will only run when someone clicks a link. The second part is a frontend, and it's totally optional. Because the Azure Functions are HTTP triggers they act as an API, therefore, they can be called from anything able to do an HTTP call. Both are very easily deployable using an ARM template by a PowerShell or CLI command or by a one-click button directly from GitHub.
The Goal
At the end of this post, we will be able from one-click to deploy just the Azure Functions or to deploy them with a frontend of our choice (I only have one right now, but more will come). To do this, we will modify the "backend" ARM template using condition and nest the ARM template responsible for the frontend deployment.
The ARM templates are available here in there [initial]( and [final]( versions.
Adding New Inputs
We will nest the ARM templates, this means that our backend template (azureDeploy.json) will call the frontend template (adminBlazorWebsite-deployAzure.json). Therefore we need to add all the required information to azureDeploy.json to make sure it's able to deploy adminBlazorWebsite-deployAzure.json successfully. Looking at the parameter required for the second template, we only two need values AdminEMail and AdminPassword. All the other can be generated or we already have them.
We will need also another parameter the will act as our selection option. So let's add a parameter named frontend and allowed only two values: none and adminBlazorWebsite. If the value is none we only deploy the Azure Function. When the value is adminBlazorWebsite we will deploy the Azure Function, of course, but we will also deploy an admin website to go with it.
Following the best practices, we add clear detail and add those three parameters in the parameters section of the ARM template
"frontend": {
"type": "string",
"allowedValues": [
"defaultValue": "adminBlazorWebsite",
"metadata": {
"description": "Select the frontend that will be deploy. Select 'none', if you don't want any. Frontend available: adminBlazorWebsite, none. "
"frontend-AdminEMail": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "",
"metadata": {
"description": "(Required only if frontend = adminBlazorWebsite) The EMail use to connect into the admin Blazor Website."
"frontend-AdminPassword": {
"type": "securestring",
"defaultValue": "",
"metadata": {
"description": "(Required only if frontend = adminBlazorWebsite) Password use to connect into the admin Blazor Website."
Nested Templates
Let's assume for now that we always deploy the website when we deploy the Azure Function, to keep things simple. What we need now is to used nested ARM template, and that when you deploy an ARM template from inside another ARM template. This is done with a Microsoft.Resources/deployments node. Let's look at the code:
If we examine this node, we have the classic: name, type, dependsOn, resourceGroup, apiVersion. Here We really want the Azure Functions to be fully deployed so we need the FunctionApp to be created AND the GitHub sync to be complete, this is why there is also a dependency on Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols.
In properties we will pass the mode as Incremental as it will leave unchanged resources that exist in the resource group but aren't specified in the template.
The second property is templateLink. This is really important as it's the URL to the other ARM template. That URI must not be a local file or a file that is only available on your local network. You must provide a URI value that downloadable as HTTP or HTTPS. In this case, it's a variable that contains the GitHub URL where the template is available.
Finally, we have the parameters, and this is how we pass the values to the second template. Let's skip those where I just pass the parameter value from the caller to the called, and focus on basename, AzureFunctionUrlListUrl, and AzureFunctionUrlShortenerUrl.
For basename I just add a prefix to the parameter basename received, this way the resource names will be different but we can still see the "connection". That's purely optional, you could have added this value in a parameter to azureDeploy.json, I prefer keeping the parameters a minimum as possible as I think it simplifies the deployment for the users.
Finally for AzureFunctionUrlListUrl, and AzureFunctionUrlShortenerUrl I needed to retrieve the URL of the Azure Function with the security token because they are secured. I do that by concatenating different parts.
Beginning of the URL
Reference the Function App, return the value of hostname
Now that the second ARM template can be deployed, let's add a condition so it gets, indeed, deploy only when we desire. To do this it's very simple, we need to add a property condition.
In this case, is the value of the parameter is different then none, the nested template will be deployed. When a condition end-up being "false", the entire resource will be ignored during the deployment. How simple or complex are your conditions... that's your choice!
I don't know for you but I share links/ URLs very often. And a lot of time it's from videos, so it needs to be short and easy to remember. Something like is better than a random string (aka. GUID). And this is how I started a project to build a URL Shortener. I wanted to be budget-friendly, easy to deploy and customizable.
In this post, I will share how I build it, how you can use it, and how you can help!
How I build it, with the community
This tool was build during live streams coding sessions on Twitch (all videos are in available in my YouTube archive). It's composed of two parts: a Serverless backend leveraging the Azure Function & Azure Storage, and a frontend of your choice.
The backend is composed of a few Azure Functions that act as an on-demand HTTP API. They only consume when they are called. They are in .Net Core, C# to be specific. When publishing this post, there are four functions:
UrlShortener: To create a short URL.
UrlRedirect: That's the one called when a short link is used. An Azure Function Proxy is forwarding all call to the root.
UrlClickStats: Return the statistic for a specific URL.
UrlList: Return the list of all URLs created.
All the information like long url, short url, click count are save in an Azure Storage Table.
And that's it. Super light, very cost-efficient. IF you are curious about the price I'll but references in the footnotes
The frontend could be anything that can make HTTP requests. Right now in the project, I explain how to use a tool call Postman, there is also a very simple interface done that you can easily deploy.
This simple interface is of course protected and gives you the options to see all URLs and create new ones.
How YOU can use it
All the code is available into GitHub, and it's deployable with a one-click button!
This will deploy the backend in your Azure subscription in a few minutes. If you don't own an Azure subscription already, you can create your free Azure account today.
Then you will probably want an interface to create your precious URLs. Once more in the GitHub repository, there is a List of available Admin interfaces and ready to be used. The Admin Blazor Website is currently the most friendly and can also be deployed in one-click.
How You can help and participate
Right now, there is really only one interface (and some instructions on how to use Postman to do the HTTP calls). But AzUrlShortener is an open-source project, meaning you can participate. Here some suggestions:
Build a new interface (in the language of your choice)
Improve current interface(s) with
Better UI 🙂
Register bugs in GitHub
Make feature request
Help with documentation/ translation
What's Next
Definitely come see the GitHub repo, click those deploy buttons. On my side, I will continue to add more features and make it better. See you there!
Are you worried when deploying a new application about our billing? Or afraid that you will receive an invoice from your cloud provider at the and of the month that put you in a bad situation? You are not alone, and this is why you should definitely look at the Azure Cost Manager.
In the video below, I explain how to use the Azure Cost Manager to see the actual cost and forecast for a specific application in the cloud and build a dashboard with your favorites information. Note that I said "cloud" because Azure Cost Manager can monitor both Azure and AWS resources. That's perfect for when we are "in" the portal, and that's why I will also show how you can make budgets, and set alerts, so you can track your resources automatically.
It's time for you to install Windows Terminal (Scott Hanselman) - Definitely an incredible tool this Windows Terminal. Try it you will see. And the thing I like is it never stops to amaze me with new features.
Reading RSS Feeds With .NET Core (Nong Vang) - I don't know why I always thought it was complicated to parse an RSS feed. A very nice quick tutorial.
VS Code Integration with GitHub and Azure (Robert Green, Aaron Powell) - A fantastic 10 minutes video that shows the most frequent scenarios of developers using GitHub and how easy it is with VSCode.
Every Monday, I share my reading notes. Those are the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.
Generating Images with Azure Functions (Aaron Powell) - Brilliant usage of Azure function and its the first one I see in F#! All the code is available in GitHub, definitely worth the detour.
A WebAssembly Powered Augmented Reality Sudoku Solver (Colin Eberhardt) - This is sick! I'm very impressed by all that work and of course by the result! A great post that explains all the steps to get that working.
Use MongoDB in Your C# ASP.NET Apps (Terje Kolderup) - This is a very complete tutorial the shows all the code and explains step by step how to add, configure and use MongoDB.
SPI 401: Jesse Cole—The Yellow Tux Guy (Jesse Cole) - Wow! Great show, if you don't feel pumped up and 200% motivated after listening to this show... We might be in Zombieland already.... 😜.
Is that position available for remote? (Mark Downie) - A very interesting post that, I think, explains well the 'behind the scene' of the response we can get when asking the remote question.
Serverless Deployment Best Practices (Fernando Medina Corey) - A nice post that shows some of the best practices for serverless and how AWS implements them.
Why jQuery is Obsolete and Time to Stop Using It (Chris Love) - Great post. I was a big user of jQuery, and these days I do less front end stuff, so it is nice to see how things have evolved and to understand the impact jQuery had.
It's so nice to be able to add some serverless components in our solution to make them better in a snap. But how do we manage them? In this post, I will explain how to create an Azure resource manager (ARM) template to deploy any Azure Function and show how I used this structure to deploy an open-source project I've been working on these days.
Part 1 - The ARM template
An ARM template is a JSON file that describes our architecture. To deploy an Azure Function we need at least three recourses: a functionApp, a service plan, and a storage account.
The FunctionApp is, of course, our function. The service plan could be set as dynamic or describe the type of resource that will be used by your function. The storage account is where is our code.
In the previous image, you can see how those components interact more with each other. Inside the Function, we will have a list of properties. One of those properties will be the Runtime, for example, in the AZUnzipEverything demo, it will be dotnet. Another property will be the connection string to our storage account that is also part of our ARM template. Since that resource doesn't exist yet, we will need to use the dynamic code.
The Function node will contain a sub-resource of type storageAccount. This is where we will specify where is our code, so it cant be clone to Azure.
Building ARM for a Simple Function
Let's see a template for a simple Azure Function that doesn't require any dependency, and we will examine it after.
The first resources listed in the template is the Account Storage. There nothing specific about it.
The Service Plan
The service plan is the second resource in the list. It's important to notice that to be able to use the SKU Dynamic you will need at least the API version of apiVersion to be "2018-02-01". Then you specify the SKU.
"sku": {
"name": "Y1",
"tier": "Dynamic"
Of course, you can use the other SKU if you prefer.
The Function App
Final resources added to the mixt, and this is where all the pieces are getting together. It's important to notice that the other in which the resources are listed are not considered by Azure while deploying (it's only for us ;) ). To let Azure knows you need to add dependencies.
This way the Azure Function will be created after the service plan and the storage account are available. Then in the properties we will be able to build the ConnectionString to the blob storage using a reference.
The last piece of the puzzle is the sub-resource sourcecontrol inside the FunctionApp. This will define where Azure should clone the code from and in which branch.
To be sure that everything is fully automatic the properties publishRunbook and IsManualIntegration must be set as true. Otherwise, you will need to do a synchronization between your Git (in this case on GitHub), and the Git in Azure.
Of course, all the source code of both the Azure Function and the ARM template are available on GitHub, but let me highlight how the containers are defined from an ARM template.
Just like with sourcecontrol, we will need to add a list of sub-resources to our storage account. The name MUST start by 'default/'.
Part 2 - Four Deployment Options
Now that we have a template that describes our needs we just need to deploy it. There are multiple ways it could be done, but let's see four of them.
Deploy from the Azure Portal
Navigate to the Azure Portal (, from your favorite browser and search for "deploy a custom template" directly in the search bar located at the top of the screen (in the middle). Or go at One in the Custom deployment page, click on the link Build your own template in the editor. From there, you can copy-paste or upload your ARM template. You need to save it to see the real deployment form.
Deploy with a script
Would it be in PowerShell or in Azure CLI you can easily deploy your template with these two commands.
In Azure CLI
# create resource group
az group create -n AzUnzipEverything -l eastus
# deploy it
az group deployment create -n cloud5mins -g AzUnzipEverything --template-file "deployment\deployAzure.json" --parameters "deployment\deployAzure.parameters.json"
In PowerShell
# create resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name AzUnzipEverything -Location eastus
# deploy it
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName AzUnzipEverything -TemplateFile deployment\deployAzure.json
Deploy to Azure Button
One of the best way to help people to deploy your solution in their Azure subscription is the Deploy to Azure Button.
You need to create an image link (in HTML or Markdown) to this to a special destination build in two-part.
However, this URL needs to be encoded. There is plenty of encoders online, but you can also do it from the terminal with the following command (A big thanks to @BrettMiller_IT who showed me this trick during one of my live streams).
Clicking the button will bring the user at the same page on the Azure Portal but in the user subscription.
Azure DevOps Pipeline
From the Azure DevOps portal (, select your project and create a new Release Pipeline. Click on the + Add an artifact button to connect your Git repository.
Once it's added, you need to add a task the current job. Click on the link 1 job, 0 task (4). Now you just need to specify your Azure subscription, the name of the resource group and select the location of your ARM template inside your repository. To make the deployment automatic with each push in the repository, click that little lightning bolt and enable the Continuous deployment trigger.
Voila, you know have four different ways to deploy your Azure Function automatically. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself! If you need more details you can visit the project on GitHub or watch this video where I demo the content of this post.
I recently presented, a workshop at the TOHack to get started with Azure. The goal was to try different Azure services, and see how we could augment an existing website using serverless function and artificial intelligence. (Aussi disponible en français)
During this workshop, a website is deployed automatically from GitHub. Then by adding an Azure Function and using the Vision API of Azure Cognitive Services, the final solution is able to detect when uploaded pictures are or not dogs and keep our image folder "clean". We call that application: The automatic Not a Dog application.
The step by step instruction with the code can be found on GitHub - Not-a-Dog-Workshop. The workshop can be done in about 45-60 minutes.
I also did a video that is available on my YouTube channel:
You have questions, you are blocked, it will be a pleasure to help you.