Showing posts with label vm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vm. Show all posts

Reading Notes #609

It's reading notes time! It is a habit I started a long time ago, where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.

You also read something you liked? Share it!






Reading Notes #545

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!



~ frank

Reading Notes #532

Good Monday, time to share my reading notes. Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that caught my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!





Reading Notes #524

A blue kayak on the side of a blue and yellow tent in the wood.

Good Monday, time to share my reading notes. Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that caught my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!




Reading Notes #520

A turtle on a rock in the middle of the water

Good Monday, Already time to share new reading notes. Here is a list of all the articles, and blog posts that catch my interest during the week. 

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!


Suggestion of the week

  • How Cloudflare Broke My Build and How I Fixed It (Giorgi Dalakishvili) - Wow! That was a hard one. Like searching for a needle in a haystack. Those stories are incredibly useful as they teach how to investigate issues. Thank you so much for sharing it.






Reading Notes #492

Good Monday, 
Already time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

You think you may have interesting content, share it!






Reading Notes #471





Reading Notes #463

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". This is a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.






  • Fix for Elgato Key Light not found by Control Center (Scott Hanselman) - Sorry, but I feel happy to not be alone with those thoughts, and in that situation. My Keylight is now optional in my setup because when I need a light NOW, I don't have time to figure out issues.


Reading Notes #457

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are a curated list of all the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.

You think you may have interesting content, share it!




Reading Notes #441





  • How to Create a Social Media Plan Template with Andrea Jones (Influencer Entrepreneurs with Jenny Melrose) - They say planning is everything, so I was happy to listen to this episode and learn more it and see if it was different depending on the platform.

  • Cycling Through Changes with Laura King (Wild Ideas Worth Living) - I'm a man and my "baby" is an adult now. Yet, I found that episode very interesting. Even though a lot of friends shared with me a few "challenges" that pregnancy brings... And didn't think about the training ones...


Author: Greg McKeown 

- I really like this book. In a world where we all try to get more things done to be more productive, this book talks about doing less... to be more productive. Very interesting I thought. Talking about priorities, and how to help you to find our focus.


Reading Notes #414

Every Monday, I share my "reading notes". Those are the articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and books that catch my interest during the week and that I found interesting. It's a mix of the actuality and what I consumed.




  • 0240 - Anthony Giretti - Le protocole gRPC (Visual Studio Talk Show) - Nice episode where they talk about gRPC and gRPC web, where it comes from, why it's different than the previous version, and how it's possible to use it with .Net. All that in French!



Reading Notes #411


  • Azure CLI Kung-Fu Tips and Tricks (Dan Patrick) - A true story for a real warrior... This post explains how a well done Azure CLI script can save you in hard conditions.



Reading Notes #392

The suggestion of the week


  • Andrew Connell's Blog (Andrew Connell) - This nice post is the second of a series of three. It explains how to do every step but also why the author decided to do that.




Reading Notes #389




Reading Notes #374




  • Hevesh5 - Making a YouTube Career from Viral Domino Art (#46) (That Creative Life) - Great show. An amazing story.
  • Azure Functions using Node with Simona Cotin (.NET Rocks!) - Great show. I just switch my website following that Jam stack pattern. I was planning to use Azure Functions to add a few little twists.... I'm happy to see that I not alone thinking like that!
  • 0230 - Alain Vezina - Le métier du DevOps (Visual Studio Talk Show) - Super épisode, très intéressant d'entendre parler du rôle de DevOps de quelqu'un qui le vie au quotidien. Merci de la suggestion, je crois, bien que je suis du pour relire The Pheonix Project.
  • Goal Setting Tips & Tracking KPIs (Video Pursuit Podcast) - Really interesting episode. Everybody is talking about matrix and KPI... But it's not frequent to hear about the "how". I really like how the goals are explained, achievable, but not easy... And how we should react when we don't reach them.


~ Good week!

Reading Notes #373




Donald Miller

A really interesting book that helps to focus and keep in mind the most important. I didn't read it with a purpose of business really, but it did make me remember past experiences and it was easy to make the relationship between success and when the story was clear. Take the time to read it, do the exercises/ reflections required... it's worth it.


How to Create Your Custom Artifacts for DevTest Labs

Most of the time when we use an Azure Devtest Lab it to Test our own application. This means that will need to install them on the virtual machines, every time. To do that, we need to create a custom artifact and add it to our formulas or to our claimable VMs. Lucky for us, creating a custom artifact is much easier than you may think. In fact, this post I will show you how easy it can be.


I want to create an artifact available from a private repository (Git from in this case) that will set the timezone inside the VM.

Getting started

First, let's use a section in the Azure portal that is very useful; the Get Started section. In the portal navigate to your DevTest Lab (1), and select the Getting Started option from the left menu bar (2). In this new bar scroll down to the Lear more area and select Sample artifacts and scripts (3).

That will open the DevTestLab artifacts, scripts and samples project from Azure on Github. Open the folder Artifact, to see the list of all the usual artifacts you find in the public repo that is available by default in the portal.

Notice how all artifacts are in their own folder. When you create a new artifact, you can always come here and pick something similar to what you are trying to do. This way, you won't start from scratch. Let's open windows-vsts-download-and-run-script. An artifact is defined in the file Artifactfile.json. This file is mandatory and cannot be renamed. You can put scripts, images, or anything else you need inside this folder.

Open the Artifactfile.json file and have a look.

As you can see it's a simple JSON file. In the section (A) you will define the title, description, publisher, OS and the Icon. Note that the Icon must be accessible publicly, it could be on github, a blob storage or on a website. Section (B) is to define all the parameters you may need to install your artifact on the VM. Finally In (C) it's the command to execute.

Create the Artifact

Here is the JSON for our windows-Set-TimeZone artifact. A made it very static by not passing any parameter, but in a reel situation, a timezone parameter would be better.
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Set TimeZone to Eastern Standard Time",
    "description": "Execute tzutil command on the VM set set the Time Zone",
    "publisher": "FBoucher",
    "tags": [
    "iconUri": "",
    "targetOsType": "Windows",
    "parameters": { },
    "runCommand": {
        "commandToExecute": "tzutil.exe /s \"Eastern Standard Time\""

Create an artifact repository

For this post, I'm using Git from Azure Devops ( previously named VSTS, but any private repository should works. If it's not already done create a project and go to the Repos section. Create a root folder named Artifacts or something else if you prefer. Then add a new folder for your artifact. To follow the best practices you should start with the name of your artifact by the name of the targeted OS; in my case windows-Set-TimeZone. Now add the file Artifactfile.json defined previously.

Note the url of the repository, it should be easy to get it by click on the Clone button that is on the top right of the screen.


Add repository to DevTest Lab

Now we need to add this repository to our Devtest Labs. From the, open the blade of your lab. From the left panel, click on Repository, then click the Add button.

It's time to use the information noted previously. This is about the Repository, not the artifact.

Use the Artifact

The only thing left is to use our artifact. You can find it while creating a VM or a formula. When you have parameters define in your Artifactfile.json, the parameters will be listed in a form completly a the left.
And if you try it, you will see that the time match the desired timezone. Here my PC is set to display with a format of 24H put it's the same... yep I'm in Eastern Standard Time.


Add it to an ARM template

Doing it with the nice interface is good when you are learning. However, we all know that no DevOps will do that manually every time. So let's add our Repository to our ARM template. If you need more detail on the deployment method, I explain it in a previous post How to be efficient with our Azure Devtest Lab deployments.

When you don't know the type or the structure of a resource, you can always go in the Resource Explorer ( there will be able to find your resource and see how it's defined.

So for this post our artifactsources will look like this:
    "properties": {
        "displayName": "Cloud5mins",
        "uri": "",
        "sourceType": "VsoGit",
        "folderPath": "/Artifacts",
        "armTemplateFolderPath": "",
        "branchRef": "master",
        "securityToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "status": "Enabled"
    "name": "Cloud5minsRepo",
    "type": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactsources"
An artifactsources goes in the Resources list inside the Devtest Labs.

In an ARM template you have the main node Resources (A), then you will have the Lab node (B). Inside this node, you should see second resources list (C), where the Virtual Network is defined. The artifactsources should go there.

Then when you declare your formula, you just need to reference this repository, exactly like the public one.

In a video, please!

I also have a video of this post if you prefer.


Reading Notes #344


Suggestion of the week




The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (Patrick Lencioni) - I really enjoyed this book. The fact the first the material was passed as a story adds a lot of perspective and to our comprehension. In the last chapter the author return to the theories and gives more details. I completely devour that book; I'm looking forward to reading more.



5 Simple Steps to Get a Clean ARM Template

You have a solution that is already deployed in Azure, and you would like to reproduce it. You know that Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template could help you to do that, unfortunately, you don't know how to get started. In this post, I will share with you the best practices and how I implement them while working on ARM template.

How to Get your ARM Template

Of course, you could build your ARM template from scratch. However, there many quickstart templates available on GitHubd. Even more, you could also get Azure to generate the template for you!

If your building a new solution, go in the Azure portal ( and start creating your resource as usual. But stop just before clicking on the Create button. Instead click on the link on his side named Download template and parameters. That will open a new blade where you will be able to download the template, parameters files, and a few scripts in different languages to deploy it.


If your solution is already deployed, you still have a way to get the template. Again, from the Azure portal, go to the resource group of your solution. In the left option panel, click on Automation script.


Step 1 - Use Git

Once you have your ARM template and a parameter file, move them in a folder and initialize a Git Repository. Even if it's only a local one this will give you an infinite of Ctrl-Z. Doing multiple commit along your journey to get a better and cleaner template, you will always have options to get back when your template was "functional".

A fantastic tool to edit ARM template is Visual Studio Code. It's free, it supports natively Git, and you can install great extensions to help you.

Step 2 - Validate, Validate, Validate, then Commit

az group deployment validate --resource-group cloud5mins --template-file .\template.json --parameters .\parameters.json

Step 3 - Reduce the Number of Parameters

Nobody like tons of questions. Too many parameters is exactly like too many questions. So reduce them to the maximum. We cannot just delete those unwanted parameters, but they are still providing important information. Instead move them in the variables section.

You can do that in different ways, let me share mine. I start with the parameter files and bubble-up any parameter that I would like to keep. Next Cut/Paste all the unwanted parameters to a new file. Then I use the multi-cursor selection of VSCode to clean them in 2 clicks.

Once we have all parameters "converted" in variables, copy them into the variables section of the ARM template. You will need to delete the parameter equivalent from the top of the template.

Now that we have a clean list of parameters, and variables, we must fix the references to the converted parameters. To do that replace all

parameters() references by variables().

For exemple this:


will become that:


Now that we have a more respectable list of parameters, we must be sure that what we expect from them is clear. To do that we have two simple feature at our disposal. The first one of course the name. Use a complete and clear name. Resist the temptation to shorten everything or use too many acronyms. The second is to use metadata description. This information will be displayed to users through the portal as tooltips.

    "adminUsername": {
        "type": "string",
        "metadata": {
            "description": "Name of Administrator user on the VM"

Step 4 - Use Use Unique String

When you deploy in Azure some names are global, and by definition need to be unique. This is why adding a suffix or a unique identifier to your named is a good practice. An excellent way to get an identifier is to use the function uniqueString(). This function will create a 64Bits hash based on the information passed in parameter.

"suffix": "[uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, resourceGroup().location)]"

In the example just above, we pass the identifier of the resource group and its name. It means that every time you will be deploying in the same resource group and at that location suffix will be the same. However, if your solution is deployed in multiple locations (for a disaster recovery, or another scenario), suffix will have a different value.

To use it, let's say the name of a virtual machine was passed as a parameter. Then we will create a variable and concatenate the parameter and our suffix.

"VMName": "[toLower(concat(parameters('virtualMachineName'), variables('suffix')))]",

Then instead of using the parameter inside your ARM template, you will be using this new variable.

Step 5 - Use Variables

One of the great strengths of using ARM template is that we can use them over and over. This is why we want to avoid anything that his static name or value. When we generated template from the Azure portal, these templates are a snapshot of that particular instances. The best way to stay structured and avoid too fixed names is to leverage variables.

When you use an ARM template generated from a "live" and already deployed solution the ARM will contains a lot of very specific information about this instance (Comments, ResourceIDs, States, etc.). When you are building a generic template don't hesitate to delete those.
Let's see some examples.

"RGName": "[toLower(resourceGroup().name)]",
"VMName": "[toLower(concat(parameters('virtualMachineName'), variables('suffix')))]",

"virtualNetworkName": "[concat(variables('RGName'), '-vnet')]",
"networkInterfaceName": "[toLower(concat(variables('VMName'),'-nic-', variables('suffix')))]",
"networkSecurityGroupName": "[toLower(concat(variables('VMName'),'-nsg-', variables('suffix')))]",

"diagnosticsStorageAccountName": "[substring(concat(variables('RGName'), 'diag', variables('suffix')), 0, 24)]",

You may wonder why we need the first variable RGName , since the resource group name is already available through the resourceGroup() function? Some resources, like Azure Blob Storage's name, must only contain lowercase characters. By making a variable we avoid repeating the to toLower() every time.

You can concatenate two, or more variables and/or string with the "very popular" function concat(). Sometimes, the name built by all those string is too long. You can trim it by using the function substring(stringToParse, startIndex, length). In this case, the Azure Blob Storage required a name with a maximum of 24 characters.

To learn more about all the available function and how to use it visit the Azure Resource Manager template functions page from the Microsoft documentation.

Step 6 - Create "T-Shirt Size" or smart options

The best way to build a good template is to think like the people who will use it. Therefore, a developer may not know what the difference between a Standard_D2s_v3, a Standard_F8 or a Standard_H8. But will clearly know if he needs a medium, a large, or a web development VM.

That means that we will create a parameter with only specific values allowed, and base on that simple selection we will take more specific and technical decision. See the declaration of the following parameter.

    "EnvironmentSize": {
        "type": "string",
        "defaultValue": "medium",
        "allowedValues": [
        "metadata": {
            "description": "Medium for regular development. Large for huge memory usage"

This parameter will only allowed two string "medium" or "large", anything else will return a validation error. If nothing is passed the default value will be "medium". And finally using a metadata description to make sure the purpose of the parameter is clear and well defined.

Then you define your variable (ex: TS-Size) as an object with two properties, or as many as you have allowed values. For each of these properties, you could have many other properties.

        "VMSize": "Standard_D2s_v3",
        "maxScale": 1
        "VMSize": "Standard_D8s_v3",
        "maxScale": 2

Then to use it, we just need to chained the variables and parameter. Notice how we have nested square brackets... This will use the TS-Size.medium.VMSize value by default.

"vmSize": "[variables('TS-Size')[parameters('EnvironmentSize')].VMSize]"

I hope you will find those tips as useful, as I found they are. If you have other suggestions or recommendations, don't hesitate to add them in the comment section or reach me out.

The full ARM template is available at :

In Video Please!

If you prefer, I also have a video version of that post.

Don't install your software yourself

I don't know for you, but I don't like losing time. This is why a few years ago I started using scripts to install all the software I need on my computer. Got a new laptop? N You just need to execute this script, go grab a coffee and when I'm back all my favorite (and required) softwares are all installed. On Linux, you could use apt-get, and on Windows, my current favorite is Chocolatey. Recently I needed to use more virtual machine (VM) in the cloud and I deceided that I should try using a Chocolatey script during the deployment. This way once the VM is created the softwares, I need is already installed! This post is all about my journey to get there, all scripts, issues and workarounds will be explained.

The Goal

Creating a new VM on premises applying the OS update and installing all the tools you need (like Visual Stutio IDE) will takes hours... This solution should be done under 10 minutes (~7min in my case).
Once the VM is available, it should have Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, VSCode, Git and Node.Js installed. In fact, I would like to use the same Chocolatey script I use regularly.
# Install Chocolatey
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

# Install Software
choco install visualstudiocode -y
choco install git -y 
choco install nodejs-lts  -y

(Available on gist.github)

The Tools

In this post I will use Azure CLI, because it will works on any environment. However, PowerShell can also be use only a few command will be different. The VM will be deploy with an Azure resource Manager (ARM) template. To create and edit the ARM template I like to use VSCode, you don't need it but it's so much easier with it! I use two extension.
The first one Azure Resource Manager Snippets will help by generating the schema for our needs. In a JSON file you just need to type arm en voila! You ahave a long list of ARM template!


The second is Azure Resource Manager Tools. This extension provides language support for ARM and some validate. Very useful...


Creating the ARM Template

To Get started create a new JSon file. Then type arm and select the first option; to get an empty skeleton. Then add an extra line in resources and type again arm. This time scroll until you see arm-vm-windows.


A multi-cursor will allow you to edit the name of your VM everywhere in the file in one shot. Hit Tab to navigate automatically to the userName, and Tab again to go to the password.

Now we have a functional ARM template that we could deploy. However, let's add a few things first.

Searching the Image SKUs by Code

One of my favorite VM images for a DevBox is the one that includes Visual Studio pre-installed. One thing to know is those images are only deployable in an MSDN subscription. To specify wich image you want to use you need to pass a publisher, offer, and sku.
Here how to do it with Azure CLI commands
# List all the Publishers that contain VisualStudio (It's case sensitive)
az vm image list-publishers --location eastus --output table --query "[?contains(name,'VisualStudio')]"

# List all offers for the Publisher MicrosoftVisualStudio
az vm image list-offers --location eastus --publisher MicrosoftVisualStudio  --output table

# List all availables SKUs for the Publisher MicrosoftVisualStudio with the Offer VisualStudio
az vm image list-skus --location eastus --publisher MicrosoftVisualStudio --offer VisualStudio --output table

Now that all the information is found, search in the ARM template and replace the current values by the one found. In my case, here are the new values.

"imageReference": {
                    "publisher": "MicrosoftVisualStudio",
                    "offer": "VisualStudio",
                    "sku": "VS-2017-Ent-Win10-N",
                    "version": "latest"

Adding our Custom Script

Great now we have a VM with Visual Studio but our applications are still not installed. That will be done by adding the Custom Script Extension for Windows to our template. documentation page, a sample schema is there ready to be use.
The last node of your template is currently another extension. For the purpose of this blog post let's remove it. You should have something like this.


We will copy/ paste the snippet from the documentation page a change a few little things. Change the type (thank to our VSCode Extension for that catch). Update the dependencies to reflet our demo.

To use the extension your script needs to be available online. It could be in a blob storage (with some security) or just publicly available. In this case, the script is publicly available from my gist.github page. I created a variable in the variables section that contains the RAW URL of my script, and a reference to that varaibale is used in the fileUris.

The extension will download the script and then execute a function locally. Change the commandToExecute to call our script with unrestricted execution policy.

You have a timed window of ~30 minutes to execute your script. If it takes longer then that, your deployment will fail.

        "apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
        "type": "extensions",
        "name": "config-app",
        "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
        "dependsOn": [
            "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', 'FrankDevBox')]"
        "tags": {
            "displayName": "config-app"
        "properties": {
            "publisher": "Microsoft.Compute",
            "type": "CustomScriptExtension",
            "typeHandlerVersion": "1.9",
            "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
            "settings": {
                "fileUris": [
            "protectedSettings": {
                "commandToExecute": "[concat('powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File ', './SimpleDevBox.ps1')]"

The ARM Template

It's finally time to deploy our VM.

# First, we need a Resource Group
    az group create --name frankDemo --location eastus

    # ALWAYS, always validate first... you will save a lot of time
    az group deployment validate --resource-group frankDemo --template-file /home/frank/Dev/DevBox/FrankDevBox.json

    #Finally deploy. This script should take between 5 to 10 minutes
    az group deployment create --name FrankDevBoxDemo --resource-group frankDemo --template-file /home/frank/Dev/DevBox/FrankDevBox.json --verbose

What's Next?!

We created one template; you could make it better.

Deploy from anywhere

By moving the computerName, adminUsername, adminPassword, and the script url in the parameters section, you could then put the template in a public place like GitHub. Then with use the one click deploy!

Directly from the Github page or from anywhere you just need to build a URL from those two parts: and the HTML Encoded URL to your template.

If my template is available at then the full url become:

Clicking that URL will bring you to the Azure Portal ( in a customized form to deploy your template.


It cannot be easier! You can see mine on GitHub.

Auto shutdown

It's very easy to forget to turn off those VM. And whatever you are paying for them or your using the limited MSDN credit it's a really good practice to turn them down. Why not do that automatically!
That can be very simply done by adding a new resource in the template.

        "name": "[concat('autoshutdown-', 'FrankDevBox')]",
        "type": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules",
        "apiVersion": "2017-04-26-preview",
        "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
        "properties": {
            "status": "Enabled",
            "taskType": "ComputeVmShutdownTask",
            "dailyRecurrence": {
                "time": "19:00"
            "timeZoneId": "UTC",
            "targetResourceId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', 'FrankDevBox')]",
            "notificationSettings": {
                "status": "Enabled",
                "emailRecipient": "",
                "notificationLocale": "en",
                "timeInMinutes": "30"
        "dependsOn": [
            "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', 'FrankDevBox')]"

In Video Please!

If you prefer, I also have a video version of that post.

How to Create an Azure VM with Chocolatey

