- AWS CDK Developer Preview | Amazon Web Services (Chris Fife) - This looks very interesting. Definitely, something I would try.
- Azure Log Analytics: How to pin charts that result from queries with no results (Iris Classon) - This is an awesome video that shows us in only a few minutes how to add (and fix) a graph to our Azure dashboard.
- VSTS and Git Integration for Deploying to Azure – Part 1 (Gregor Suttie) - This post is the perfect one to get started with VSTS, note that it is also the first post on a series.
- Git Commands to Keep a Fork Up to Date (Phil Nash) - Git can be overwhelming at the beginning, this is why this post is a great one to confirm what you may already know and learn a bit more.
- Improvements on ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit's and making small container images (Scott Hanselman) - Zeit is definitely something thing I should try.
- Improving the Windows Console (Graham High) - Ooh, I'm really looking forward to this new you?
- Windows Dockerfile 26: Managing and Upgrading Apps with Docker Compose | Elton Stoneman (Elton Stoneman) - This is a very complete and interesting post. It covers a lot about Docker compose.
- Zeit Serverless Docker, node.js backend and variables NOT ALLOWED (Mattias Petter Johansson) - I really enjoy that series where he tries to code something with a bunch of constraints. It's fun and useful.