Reading Notes #577

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week. 

 If you think you may have interesting content, share it!




Low Code


Reading Notes #576

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!

Suggestion of the week

  • Visual Studio Code: C# Dev Kit Now Generally Available (Almir Vuk) - As a .NET developer that spend a lot of time in Linux, I was already using a lot VSCode and started using DevKit curious to see if if would really helps. I felt empowered. Great work, and congrats on the GA that was fast!



  • What do we want from a web browser? (The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source) - I think it was my first episode of The Changelog. I liked it. Interesting discussion about what should be a "good" web browser...


Reading Notes #575

Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian🍁! 

It is time to share new reading notes. It is a habit I started a long time ago where I share a list of all the articles, blog posts, and books that catch my interest during the week.

If you think you may have interesting content, share it!

Suggestion of the week


Open Source

